Besides the translation in itself, the sworn translation also serves to authenticate a document as being a true copy of the original. This job is regulated by the authorities in the Swiss cantons of Geneva and Neuchatel (see the officiel websites of these cantons). The stamp on every page is accepted by most of the courts in Switzerland and Europe. Documents to be send overseas might required a further apostille from the local authorities.
Vereidigter Übersetzer seit 2006
Mitglied von :
ASTJ (Association suisse des traducteurs-jurés),
ATA (American Translator Association),
Juslingua (Association suisse des interprètes judiciaires),
Ehemaliges Mitglied von :
ASTTI (Association suisse des traducteurs, terminologues et interprètes),
SFT (Syndicat français des traducteurs),