Since 2003, we have been offering interpretation services from German into French and English, from French into English and back (DE=>FR, DE=>EN, EN<=>FR). We have many references in this field and are certified as a court interpreter by the Institute of Applied Linguistics at the University of Zurich.
Court Interpreter Certificate at the Institute of Applied Linguistics of the University of Zurich (2009)

La Bâloise (CH) - Axa Winterthur (CH) - SAP (CH) - Mercedes Benz (CH) - Sunrise (CH) - Emil Frey (CH) - Bank in Liechtenstein (Vaduz, FL) - Kyocera, Copenhague (DN) - Exxon Mobile (Montreux, CH) - Swissmetal (Moûtier, CH) - TUI (New York, USA) - Régie Emery (Morges, CH) - Association des Amis de Talleyrand (London, UK) - Prison de Champ-Dollon (Genève, CH) - SAICM, Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (Geneva, CH) - CoNGO, Civil Society Development Forum 2009 (BIT, Geneva, CH) - Treppenmeister GmbH (Annecy, France) - UPIAV, Conference of Lord Norman Foster (Lausanne, CH) - Ministère public de Genève (Geneva, CH) - Service des automobiles (Genève, CH) - Etude de Me Deluze (Morges, CH) - Sistra (Sursee, CH) - Hugo Boss (Geneva, CH) - Vita Sammelstiftung (Lausanne, CH) - International Lutherian Federation (Busan, Korea) - International Symposium on Excessive Gambling (Neuchâtel, CH) - Bank Notenstein (Lausanne, CH) - Federal Prosecutor Office (Lausanne, CH) - Rencontre des églises catholiques (Paris, FR) - Vescore (Lausanne, CH) - Ministère public de la Confédération (Lausanne, CH) - Libera (Bâle, CH) - SISTRA (Sursee, CH) - CFF (Lucerne, CH)